Monday, June 9, 2014

Month 9(prt 1): Fighting

Drama. Drama. Drama. 

My appointment with Dr.N was Thursday. It went fine, I guess. He put me back on Lyme Disease treatment. An IV antibiotic, 3 oral antibiotics and some suppliments. I have been relapsing because of being off Lyme treatment, but I should start back on the healing path soon again. 

He switched my IV antibiotic from ceftriaxone to vancomycin. He's very worried that my colon infection will return and come back with a vengeance. So this new one will prevent that and kill Lyme. My IV infusion used to be once a day for 30 min. Now it's gonna be twice a day for over an hour each time. Super fun, eh? 

My new treatment plan starts Wenesday. I can't start the orals till after I start the IV. Gotta have that in my system so the colon infection won't return. So my home nurse will come Wednesday morning and change my dressing and teach me about this new one. Dr.N said if the oral doxycycline doesn't sit well with my stomach he'll make it part of my IV treatment. Here's to hoping the oral doxy works great! 

I finally got the letter from my insurance company about what they are gonna do with me. And the conclusion.... They won't cover my Lyme Disease treatment. My blood test was not CDC positive and they don't believe long-term antibiotics will help me. It was pretty much the most discouraging letter.  

 I'm having a really hard time processing this. On one hand I knew it was coming, but the other, I'm still surprised. I feel like I'm actually a part of the Lyme Disease community now. Which isn't too grand of a feeling. Being misdiagnosed and undiagnosed for over two decades. Having my insurance company refuse to pay anything for treatment. Searching out an LLMD. Having to move in with my parents. Quit my job and school. Have negative CDC blood testing... Yada,yada- I'm a real Lymie now! 

I keep reminding myself that God is still good. He is still Lord. He works all things together for my good. He won't fail me. And this is not wasted and won't be in vain. God's up to something. I wouldn't be on this journey otherwise. He is stronger than Lyme Disease and co-infections. 

The "called to action" and "now that I have seen I am responsible" person in me wants to do something. I am so fired up! I don't have the energy to fight, but I am gotta do something. People are suffering for NO reason. And being denied by their insurance companies. Guess we will see what God's up to. But first, I gotta get healthy. Ain't no insurance company gonna steal my drive to fight. I will go into remission. 

Thank you all for praying and encouraging me. Thank you for not forgetting me and my family and supporting us through this. I can't say it enough. I know that's what's getting me through. 

Energy Expelled: Well, my spleen, back, headache, hand, and arm wasn't to thrilled to type this. I didn't have much energy to write this out and have even less now. 

~ " Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" 
Psalm 116:2 

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